Assamese cuisine is largely influenced by the local geography, climate, and availability of ingredients. The region’s fertile plains, riverine valleys, and hilly terrain provide a diverse range of ingredients that are used to create a wide variety of dishes. The cuisine is also influenced by the different communities, including the Assamese, Bodo, Mishing, Karbi, and many others.

Moreover, Assam state is located in the northeastern part of India. It is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. The region’s cuisine is no exception. With a unique blend of flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques that reflect its diverse history and geography.

Bamboo Shoots

Perhaps, one of the defining features of Assamese cuisine is its use of bamboo shoots. These tender, slightly sour shoots are used in a variety of dishes, including curries, pickles, and chutneys. Another popular ingredient is sticky, glutinous rice, which is often served with meat or fish curries.


Since, Fish is a staple in Assamese cuisine, as the region is home to many rivers and water bodies. Again the fish is usually cooked in a variety of ways, including steamed, fried, and grilled. One of the most popular fish dishes is the masor tenga, a sour fish curry made with tomatoes, elephant apple, and lemons.

Xaak aru Bhaji – Assamese Cuisine

In addition to that, another popular dish is the xaak aru bhaji. A vegetarian dish made with a variety of greens such as spinach, mustard greens, and bamboo shoots. It is often served with sticky rice or bread made from rice flour.

Assamese Cuisine includes Snacks and sweets

Similarly, Assamese cuisine also features a variety of snacks and sweets. Pitha, a type of rice cake, is a popular snack made with rice flour, jaggery, and coconut. Narikol Pitha, made with coconut and jaggery, is a sweet delicacy that is often served during festivals.


Besides that, Tea is an important part of Assamese culture. And the region is known for producing some of the finest tea in the world. Tea is usually served with milk and sugar and is a staple beverage in most households.

You can Try Popular Assamese Dishes