Ah, the eternal question of which hill station is colder: Shillong or Darjeeling? Well, let me shed some light on this chilly matter for you.

Shillong and Darjeeling, both nestled in the mesmerizing northeastern part of India, offer delightful escapes from the sweltering plains. But when it comes to temperature, there’s a slight difference between the two.

Shillong VS Darjeeling! Which is Colder?

Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya, is perched at an elevation of around 1,496 meters (4,908 feet) above sea level. It boasts a cool and refreshing climate that will make you want to wrap yourself in a cozy sweater. During the winter months (December to February), temperatures can dip down to a range of 4°C to 15°C (39°F to 59°F), giving you the perfect excuse to snuggle up with a hot cup of chai.

Now, let’s head over to the enchanting Darjeeling, situated in the lovely state of West Bengal. This hill station climbs to a higher elevation of approximately 2,042 meters (6,700 feet) above sea level. The slightly greater height gives Darjeeling a crisp and invigorating atmosphere. In winter, the mercury drops even further, with temperatures ranging from around 2°C to 10°C (36°F to 50°F). Brrr, it’s chilly up there!

Darjeeling tends to be a tad colder!

So, to answer your question, Darjeeling tends to be a tad colder than Shillong due to its higher elevation. But fear not, my fellow wanderer, for both places offer a respite from the scorching heat and a chance to embrace the joy of cooler climates.

Whether you find delight in the milder temperatures of Shillong or the crisper air of Darjeeling, both destinations are a paradise for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and those seeking tranquility amidst breathtaking landscapes.


Now that you know the weather scoop, it’s time to pack your warm clothes, put on your explorer’s hat, and embark on a remarkable journey to the hills! Let the cool breeze tickle your cheeks and the picturesque vistas steal your heart as you embrace the wonders that await in these delightful hill stations.